Basic commands (Open file)
Bly can manage both single models or assemblies.
Open File 
Bly supports the following graphical format: Bly3D (.bly), STEP (.stp, .step), NX (.prt), IGES (.igs, .iges), WRML (.wrl, .wrml), Object (.obj), Stereolithography (.stl)
Save Bly File 
Clicking on the Save Bly File button you can save the content of the graphic area in a file with .bly extension that you can reopen for future use.
Load Full Assembly 
Manages assembly's components opening. More details can be found here
Close Assembly 
Closes the model or assembly, including its components
Add Component 
Requires you to select a .bly or STEP file and add it as a component to the working model/assembly (see Assembly Functions)
Add Empty Part 
Adds an empty component to the working model/assembly
Self-Extracting Bly 
This function generates a self-extracting bly file (extension .exe) that can be distributed and open without a Bly3D Viewer installation. Detailed description of the options can be found here
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