Show all

Shows all the objects loaded (do not open closed components), including hidden geometry

Invert Show

It inverts the display situation, hiding visible objects and showing hidden ones

Hide Curves

Hides curves eventually present in the model

Show Component Name on Screen

Choosing this option you will be able to show the name of a selected component in the graphic area

Advanced Selection

This command opens a dedicated window to help you filter the object selection based on two criteria: colors and layers. Both properties are imported from the original 3D file (NX, STEP) and available in Bly to be used. Once the object is selected, further actions may be accomplished (blank, isolate, change color etc.)

Show/hide Edges

As you can see this option enables you to hide or show the edges that are in figure. It has a significant impact on the visualisation effect and performance.

Show edges:

Hide edges:

Isolate Components

If the model you opened is an assembly, this feature set the selected component as the only one visible, without closing the others.

Wireframe display

It converts model's visualisation into wireframe

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